What’s the role of blockchain in the energy system of the future? This was a focus of discussions at the Solar and Storage Expo at Birmingham, UK from 3 – 5 October. Is it a solution to gaining trust? A way of democratising the value of the data generated, with peer-to-peer trading? A means to offer transparent access to the data?

This is what your signals are telling us:
- Australia’s first residential electricity trading market // spotted by Gemma Adams
- IBM delivers blockchain carbon management in China // spotted by Joy Green
- Squeaky Clean Energy provides a peer-to-peer energy marketplace // spotted by Gemma Adams
- An energy first as UK successfully transmits data via national electricity grid // spotted by Iain Watt
- South African start-up using Bitcoin for pay-as-you-go electricity // Signal spotted by Gemma Adams:
And what’s the future of business models in the energy market? The price of electricity looks set to converge on zero, as demand is met from renewables that are generated and exchanged with no marginal cost. This means power supplied by the grid might effectively be unmetered, but there could be a higher ‘line rental’ charge to maintain it. The level of consensus around this as a way forward was striking.
- Are Zero Marginal Costs Transforming the Energy Industry? // by Bob Shively
Signals you’ve spotted around this:
- Energy Web: a blockchain consortium to accelerate renewables and cut costs // spotted by Li Lin Loh
- Electric car owners ‘can drive for free by letting energy firms use battery’ // spotted by Joy Green
- Electricity shake-up could save consumers ‘up to £40bn’ // spotted by George Harding-Rolls
I spoke about our project The Living Grid, which explores the roles we will all play, as users and generators of energy, in balancing future grids – as we’re already seeing with electric vehicles.
Signals you’ve spotted around this:
- Prototype blockchain electric vehicle charging and billing system // spotted by Gemma Adams
- Ikea starts selling solar panels and home battery packs // spotted by Saksham Nijhawan
- Over 90% of latest German wind power auction won by community energy coops // spotted by Will Dawson
Thank you for sharing your signals of change with us. The more signals we track from across the world, the better we are able to spot opportunities for action. What else are you seeing in and around the future of energy?