Luxury brands Tapestry, Inc. and Coach partnered with Savory Institute’s Land to Market Program, Ecological Outcome Verification, which helps quantify and verify environmental outcomes of regenerative agricultural practices. The partnership will allow the brands to engage with their supply networks in the effort to reduce CO2 emissions, improve biodiversity, and increase traceability to regenerative sources for their products.

So what?
Food and apparel brands are increasingly aware of their role in financing the transition and funding the conversion of range and farm lands. This partnership across competitive space with a nonprofit dedicated to creating routes to market for regenerative products signals a potential for more businesses to take ambitious steps towards integrating regenerative raw materials into their supply networks. This approach to create a standard could make corporate regenerative commitments more measurable and produce tangible results in the long run ecosystem.
To see how these different signals across the agriculture system are impacting the future system that we envision, keep an eye out for the upcoming report from
Growing our Future.
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