In 2020, Forum for the Future outlined the need to “build and demonstrate the business case” as an important leverage point to accelerate the transition to regenerative agriculture. The business case for regenerative agriculture needs to be especially clear for:

1) farmers potentially transitioning to regenerative practices, and;
2) brands and retailers exploring more sustainable procurement and merchandising strategies.
70 brands alone form part of Land to Market’s membership, which connects buyers seeking regenerative products with regenerative farmers and rancher’s products.
The business case for regenerative agriculture is starting to solidify as the potential gain from taking a leadership role is becoming more apparent in the age of intensifying climate crisis impacts.
So what?
Brands making regenerative sourcing commitments drive momentum for others to follow suit.
However, could mounting pressure from increased living costs drive both consumers and businesses to put their environmental ambitions on the back burner?
To see how these different signals across the agriculture system are impacting the future system that we envision, keep an eye out for the upcoming report from
Growing our Future.
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