Nurses comprise a major portion of the US health workforce. At 4 million, they are the most populous group of healthcare professionals. Nurses are highly trusted but in order to continue to provide care need to be better supported by the system. The Center to Champion Nursing in America, launched by the AARP, seeks to ensure that there are enough nurses now and into the future.

So what?
Since the COVID pandemic, the importance of nurses has become more prominent. As frontline workers, nurses have died taking care of those suffering from COVID. As policymakers plan to rebuild the economy and reform healthcare, nursing must be reformed as well.
Some of the requests are funding for PPE and preparedness, public health nursing, and support for nursing education. In recognition of a looming nursing shortage with the aging of the workforce, nursing advocates seek to reduce barriers for highly qualified nurses abroad to practice in the United States.
How do we support the nursing profession by enabling needed training, fair wages and working conditions, and greater diversity?
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